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Using Arduino Serial Monitor tool

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  • 4 mins read

Arduino, a familiar name among DIY enthusiasts and electronics hobbyists, owes much of its popularity to its user-friendly Integrated Development Environment (IDE). One of the most invaluable tools within the Arduino IDE is the Serial Monitor. This feature plays a pivotal role in facilitating communication between your Arduino board and your computer, allowing you to monitor and control your projects in real-time. In this article, we'll explore the practical aspects of using the Arduino IDE and Serial Monitor, shedding light on how they can be harnessed for effective data exchange.

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Boost social media engagement with Open Graph meta tags

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  • 9 mins read

In the bustling world of social media, where every click and share matters, businesses and content creators strive to maximize their online presence. In the array of strategies, a frequently underestimated yet potent tool is the incorporation of Open Graph meta tags. These HTML tags serve as the backbone for enhancing how content appears when shared on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, providing a visual and informational boost that can significantly impact engagement.

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DIY - Automated plants watering system

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  • 17 mins read

In the world of do-it-yourself (DIY) projects, few activities match the practicality of constructing your own Arduino-powered automatic watering system. Imagine a setup where technology integrates effortlessly with nature, allowing you to take control of your plant care routine. We'll break down the fundamental components of this project, highlighting the vital role of the DS1302 timekeeping module and Arduino-compatible pumps. Get ready for a hands-on approach that not only enhances your technical skills but also transforms the way you care for your plants, whether they are in the corners of your home or under the open sky.

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