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Setup GitHub Actions for Laravel projects

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Managing a Laravel project involves many tasks that can be automated to save time and reduce errors. GitHub Actions offers a powerful way to automate workflows directly within your GitHub repository. By integrating GitHub Actions into your Laravel project, you can automate testing, deployment, and other routine tasks, ensuring a more efficient and reliable development process.

How to use a vibration motor with Arduino

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The integration of components with Arduino opens a world of possibilities. One often overlooked but incredibly useful component is the vibration motor. Vibration motors are compact, motorized devices designed to generate vibrations. This device, often found in smartphones and game controllers, can add a tactile dimension to your projects, providing physical feedback that enhances user experience. In this article, we'll explore the basics of vibration motors and explore into how you can effortlessly connect them to Arduino for a wide range of applications.

Boost Laravel performance with OPCache

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Enhancing the performance of Laravel applications brings a smoother and faster user experience. One powerful tool for achieving this is OPCache. OPCache is a PHP extension that stores precompiled script bytecode in memory, which reduces the overhead of parsing and compiling scripts with each request. This results in faster execution and improved overall efficiency.

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Introduction to SOLID principles

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In software development, crafting code that is easy to understand, maintain, and extend is a high priority. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by following the SOLID principles, a set of five design principles intended to improve the robustness and quality of object-oriented code. These principles, introduced by Robert C. Martin, are essential for developers aiming to produce clean and efficient code.

Wi-Fi Integration made easy with ESP8266WiFi library

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The ESP8266 is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability, created by Espressif Systems. It's popular among hobbyists and developers for its affordability and ease of use, making it a go-to choice for various IoT projects. When paired with the ESP8266WiFi library, this tiny module becomes even more powerful, simplifying the process of connecting devices to Wi-Fi networks and enabling a multitude of creative applications.

Boosting PHP performance with OPCache

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OPCache is a robust tool that enhances PHP performance, making web applications faster and more efficient. Included as an extension in PHP, OPCache stores precompiled script bytecode in shared memory. This eliminates the need for PHP to load and parse scripts with each request, significantly reducing execution overhead and improving server response times. This not only enhances the user experience but also reduces server load, allowing it to handle more requests at once. OPCache's benefits are especially noticeable in high-traffic environments where performance and efficiency are critical.

ESP8266 Firmware update

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The ESP8266 is a popular Wi-Fi module used in many IoT projects. Keeping its firmware up-to-date ensures you have the latest features, security patches, and bug fixes. Updating the firmware might seem difficult, but it's quite straightforward once you understand the steps involved. In this article, we'll explore how to update the firmware of the ESP8266 module, a crucial task for maintaining optimal performance and security. This update process can be carried out either locally, using a USB connection, or remotely via cloud. We'll examine both methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of how to keep your ESP8266 up-to-date with the latest firmware version.

Maximizing MongoDB performance with indexes

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MongoDB proves itself as a robust solution for efficiently managing extensive datasets. A critical aspect contributing to MongoDB's effectiveness is its skillful use of indexes. Indexing acts as a meticulously organized roadmap for your data, enabling MongoDB to swiftly retrieve information. In this article, we will explore MongoDB indexes, shedding light on the diverse types and deciphering the nuances between ascending (asc) and descending (desc) indexes.

Wi-Fi Integration with ESP8266 module

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The ESP8266 has become an essential component in electronics, offering an affordable and compact means to integrate Wi-Fi connectivity into various projects. This tiny module has attracted a broad spectrum of users all aiming to implement smart home systems, IoT devices, and remote monitoring solutions. With its compact size, low power consumption, and seamless integration with Wi-Fi networks, the ESP8266 empowers innovators to create groundbreaking solutions in the digital age. The ESP8266 offers a user-friendly platform to bring your ideas to life. In this article, we will examine a particular variant of ESP8266 modules, specifically the ESP-01.

The Complete Handbook of AT Commands

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AT commands, short for Attention commands, are a set of instructions used to control modems. These commands originated from the Hayes command set and have become essential for IoT (Internet of Things) devices, especially for managing WiFi modules. They allow users to perform functions such as connecting to a network, sending data, and configuring device settings, making them crucial for IoT applications.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Coldplay - Hymn for the weekend has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Was wollen wir trinken has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The board has built-in memory. If additional memory is needed, an alternative board can be used.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The Doom melody requires more memory than others, so make sure your board can handle that amount. If not, you will usually encounter an error during compilation.

As a workaround, you can try removing some of the notes (along with their respective durations) to fit the melody on the board.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



We couldn't find notes for that song that will sound good with a buzzer.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Right Here Waiting has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Never Gonna Give You Up has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



We just added End of Beginning by Djo.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



It's you song by Max feat Keshi has been added.

Happy anniversary!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Subway Surfers theme song has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift has been added.

Getting real-time position using MPU9250



It's quite possible that there's something wrong with the module. We've seen other people run into the same problem before, and it turned out that there was a problem with one of the chips inside. You might want to try using a different module to see if that resolves the issue for you.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Kaleo's Way down we go song has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Imagine Dragons Enemy has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Maroon 5 Memories has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The Simpsons theme has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The Nightmare Before Christmas has been added.


Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



I lack the full context, but I would likely merge the use case and service into a single class.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



The choice of where to place the validation for incoming data depends on your preferred approach. You can opt to use Laravel form requests, which should be integrated as a framework dependency within the Infrastructure layer. Alternatively, you have the option to use Value Objects (VOs) for direct validation.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



Appreciate your feedback!

Let's explore those questions further:
1. Adding use cases and services within the application layer is advisable. However, service providers are closely tied to Laravel framework, which is why they should be placed in the infrastructure layer.
2. Usually, the Laravel upgrade guide offers comprehensive instructions on which files to modify or the specific sections within a file that need changes. When performing the upgrade, your primary focus should be on following the guide and ensuring that you update the namespaces and file locations accordingly.

HiBit community member since December 2020