
Keeping time with DS1302: real-time clock on Arduino

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In the fascinating world of Arduino and microcontrollers, keeping time is key. You might need to build a digital clock, a timer, or something more complex like an automated plant watering system. That's where the DS1302 module steps in. It's a handy little device that can help you keep time accurately in your Arduino projects. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the DS1302 module, understand how it works, and explore its applications.

Keeping real-time clock with mini DS3231 on Arduino

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  • 11 mins read
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When it comes to accurate timekeeping in the world of electronics, the DS3231 real-time clock (RTC) module is a reliable and precise solution. This compact yet robust module not only keeps time with exceptional accuracy but also integrates smoothly with popular microcontrollers like the Arduino Nano. In this article, we'll explore the features, wiring, and potential applications of the DS3231.