Avoid forms spamming in Laravel 9

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Having a public site with forms can become a headache if we do not prevent spam bots from submitting fake information to our application. Luckily, there is a simple and effective way to defer some of the spam using honeypots. This technique is based on creating a hidden input field that should be left empty by the real users of the application but will most likely be filled out by spam bots.

Social authentication with Laravel Socialite

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Social login is now an essential part of any site which performs user authentication. It does not need to replace the standard form based authentication, quite the contrary, social login complements it. Login with social accounts is a straightforward process and it saves the users a lot of time, as they won't need to fill the whole form. They just sign up with their social account and they can log into the website with just a few clicks.

Native enumerations in PHP

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Enumerations, or Enums allow a developer to define a custom type that is limited to one of a discrete number of possible values. That can be especially helpful when defining a domain model, as it enables making invalid states unrepresentable. In other words, enums are a restricting layer on top of classes and class constants, intended to provide a way to define a closed set of possible values for a type.

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GitLab OAuth2.0 access for web application

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GitLab is one of fastest growing private software companies. The company provides a central server that manages git repositories and is used to simplify the administration tasks of many corporations worldwide. Their platform allows third party websites to use GitLab as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

Interfaces binding with implementations in Laravel

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An interface is a programming structure that allows the computer to enforce certain properties on an object. In object oriented programming, an interface generally defines the set of methods that an instance of a class that has that interface could respond to. It is actually a concept of abstraction and encapsulation.

BitBucket OAuth2.0 access for web application

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Bitbucket is git repository management solution designed for professional teams. It gives you a central place to manage git repositories, collaborate on your source code and guide you through the development flow. Their platform allows third party websites to use BitBucket as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

Clean unused CSS with PurgeCSS & Laravel Mix

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PurgeCSS is a tool to remove unused CSS. When you are building a website, you might decide to use a CSS framework like TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, MaterializeCSS, Foundation, etc... You will only use a small set of the framework but a lot of unused CSS styles will be included.

PurgeCSS analyzes your content and your CSS files. Then it matches selectors used in your files with the ones in your content files. It removes unused selectors from your CSS, resulting in smaller CSS files. PurgeCSS comes with a JavaScript API, a CLI and plugins for popular build tools.

Downloading and installing Node.js and NPM

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NPM stands for Node Package Manager, which is an application and repository for developing and sharing JavaScript code. To publish and install packages to and from the public NPM registry or a private NPM registry, you must install Node.js and the NPM command line interface using either a Node version manager or a Node installer.

GitHub OAuth2.0 access for web application

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GitHub is one of the most popular platforms for developers. Millions of developers and companies build, ship, and maintain their software on GitHub. Their platform allows third party websites to use GitHub as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.

Facebook OAuth2.0 access for web application

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Facebook is very popular social network with millions of users worldwide and the number of active Facebook users growing day by day. Their platform allows third party websites to use Facebook as registration or login option with just a few clicks. That is the social login and it allows customers to bring their existing social identities and use them to register and log in without creating a new account explicitly. It saves a lot of time for users and makes the life easier as we don't need to remember all those credentials for different websites anymore.