
Laravel 11 is released

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Laravel 11 has been officially launched, bringing along several exciting enhancements. Among the notable updates is the requirement for a minimum PHP version of 8.2, ensuring compatibility with the latest features and optimizations. Additionally, a new Laravel Reverb package has been introduced to Laravel's suite of first-party tools. Moreover, users can expect a streamlined directory structure, contributing to a more organized and efficient development process. These advancements collectively contribute to making Laravel 11 a compelling choice for web development projects, offering improved performance, functionality, and developer experience.

How to use a buzzer with Arduino

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A piezo buzzer is a small device that converts electrical signals into sound waves. Unlike traditional speakers, piezo buzzers operate on the piezoelectric effect. When a voltage is applied, the buzzer's piezoelectric crystal deforms, producing sound waves. This simplicity makes piezo buzzers cost-effective, lightweight, and ideal for applications where the space is limited.

Create Laravel 11 project from scratch

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Laravel is a PHP web application framework that's open-source and designed for building web applications following the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It was created back in 2011 and has become one of the most widely used PHP frameworks for web development.

Laravel offers developers numerous powerful features and tools. These include a straightforward and expressive syntax, built-in database migration and schema management, automated testing capabilities, and a robust ecosystem of third-party packages. Among its key features are its powerful routing engine, which allows developers to easily define application routes, and its comprehensive ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) system, which simplifies working with databases and models.

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DIY - Automated plants watering system: code

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Having outlined the concept of automated watering and successfully assembled the physical components, our attention now turns to the real wizardry - the code. This article explores the intricate lines of Arduino code that transform theory into reality, breathing life into our DIY plant care project. As we step into the heart of our automated watering system, let's unravel the details that make our green vision a reality.

Integrating membrane keypad with Arduino

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In the world of DIY electronics, Arduino stands as a go-to tool for creators and hobbyists. Today, we're exploring the integration of a 4x4 membrane keypad module with an Arduino, a combination that introduces an interactive layer to your electronic projects.