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Criteria: PHP package for managing Criteria Pattern

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The Criteria Pattern stands as a powerful tool, often hidden in the shadows of more commonly discussed design patterns. This pattern empowers developers to implement dynamic and customizable queries in their applications, enhancing flexibility and maintainability To facilitate this process, Criteria package provides the shared domain logic that contains abstract criteria implementation that each specific criteria should extend from.

The Repository Pattern

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In the ever-evolving world of software development, architects and developers strive to create scalable, maintainable, and robust applications. One of the key principles that aid in achieving these goals is the proper organization of data access and storage. The Repository Pattern is a fundamental architectural design pattern that provides a structured approach to handling data, making it an invaluable tool for developers. In this article, we will delve into what the Repository Pattern is, how it should be implemented, and provide some real-world examples of its application.

Connecting a motor to Arduino

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Arduino microcontrollers are the heart of countless DIY projects, from robots to automated systems. To bring these projects to life, you often need to interface them with motors. In this guide, we'll walk you through the essential steps of connecting a motor to an Arduino using a separate power supply while ensuring control with precision using an NPN transistor. This approach allows you to harness the full potential of your motorized creations without overloading your Arduino.

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Exploring the inner workings of Laravel Facades

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In the realm of Laravel, there is a powerful feature called Facades that plays a significant role in simplifying code and enhancing developer productivity. Facades in Laravel provide a simple and elegant way to access underlying classes without the need for complex dependency injection or instantiating objects. By abstracting away the complexities, Laravel Facades offer a clean and intuitive syntax that allows developers to write expressive and concise code. In this article, we will investigate the inner workings of Laravel Facades to demystify their magic and showcase their remarkable capabilities.

The essential guide to resistors

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Ever wondered how your phone manages to stay charged without blowing up or how your TV remote controls those watching marathons? It's all thanks to a tiny but mighty electronic component - the resistor. Resistors are one of the most valuable parts of the tech world. These little wizards quietly control the flow of electric current in ways that make our gadgets tick. In this article, we're taking a deep dive into the world of resistors, from the magic of Ohm's law to cracking the colorful code that reveals their hidden values.

Containerizing Symfony Application using Docker

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Containerization has become widely adopted in contemporary web development as a means of bundling applications, offering isolated environments, and streamlining deployment procedures. Docker, an open-source platform, has gained substantial popularity by enabling developers to package their applications and dependencies into containers. In this article, we will explore the benefits and steps involved in Docker containerization of Symfony applications, a popular PHP framework.

Using transistors in electronic circuits

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Transistors are fundamental semiconductor devices that revolutionized the world of electronics. Among various types of transistors, Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs) hold significant importance due to their widespread use in amplification, switching, and signal processing applications. This article will explore the two main types of BJT transistors: NPN and PNP. We will explore their basic structures, operating principles, and essential circuit elements required for their proper functioning.

MongoDB backup: import and export data

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In today's data-driven world, safeguarding critical information is paramount. As databases grow in complexity and size, it becomes increasingly crucial to have a reliable backup and restore strategy in place. MongoDB, a popular NoSQL database, offers powerful export and import commands that simplify the process of creating backups and restoring data. In this article, we will explore how these commands can be used as efficient backup and restore actions, ensuring the safety and integrity of your valuable data.

Transistors: the building blocks of our digital world

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Transistors are semiconductor devices that regulate the flow of electrical current within a circuit. Their invention in the mid-20th century marked a pivotal moment in electronics. Semiconductors, typically made of silicon or germanium, form the basis of transistors, granting them the ability to switch and amplify electrical signals. These devices have revolutionized the world of electronics, making way for the digital age by enabling the miniaturization of complex circuits and facilitating the rapid advancement of technology.

Country detection in Laravel applications

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The ability to gather and analyze data about users' geographical locations has become increasingly vital for numerous applications. Whether it's personalizing content, tailoring marketing strategies, or implementing region-specific features, having accurate geolocation information can significantly enhance the user experience. To facilitate this process, GeoDetect package detects the country associated with an IP address.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



We just added End of Beginning by Djo.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



It's you song by Max feat Keshi has been added.

Happy anniversary!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Subway Surfers theme song has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift has been added.

Getting real-time position using MPU9250



It's quite possible that there's something wrong with the module. We've seen other people run into the same problem before, and it turned out that there was a problem with one of the chips inside. You might want to try using a different module to see if that resolves the issue for you.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Kaleo's Way down we go song has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Imagine Dragons Enemy has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Maroon 5 Memories has been added.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The Simpsons theme has been added!

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



The Nightmare Before Christmas has been added.


Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



I lack the full context, but I would likely merge the use case and service into a single class.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



The choice of where to place the validation for incoming data depends on your preferred approach. You can opt to use Laravel form requests, which should be integrated as a framework dependency within the Infrastructure layer. Alternatively, you have the option to use Value Objects (VOs) for direct validation.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



Appreciate your feedback!

Let's explore those questions further:
1. Adding use cases and services within the application layer is advisable. However, service providers are closely tied to Laravel framework, which is why they should be placed in the infrastructure layer.
2. Usually, the Laravel upgrade guide offers comprehensive instructions on which files to modify or the specific sections within a file that need changes. When performing the upgrade, your primary focus should be on following the guide and ensuring that you update the namespaces and file locations accordingly.

Containerizing Laravel Application using Docker



Laravel Sail is a good choice for initiating a project and getting started quickly. If you are working on a project that involves multiple technologies or if you require advanced container management capabilities, using Docker directly will give you more flexibility. Docker allows you to customize your container environment to suit your specific requirements and provides a broader ecosystem of tools and resources.

Reading MPU9250 sensors with Arduino



To troubleshoot the issue, ensure that the wiring is correctly connected and consider replacing the cables. If the issue persists, it is possible that the module is defective or broken. Try using a different module to determine if the issue is resolved.

Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Chevelle's - The Red has been added. Make sure to update pitches library as we introduced new constants.


Playing popular songs with Arduino and a buzzer



Hi ApexNick,

It's one of the constants defined in the pitches library:

#define REST 0

You should download and import the library to be able to use these constants. Please check the Pitches library section of the post.

How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino



Hi JimS and thanks for your feedback.

We always try to use ubiquitous language so the code is self-explanatory. In this concrete case we also have comments to show available setup options and some of the limitations. Besides, output printing can be useful to better understand what each variable contains.

Whatever the case may be, any specific doubt can be asked and answered here in the comments.

Domain Driven Design with Laravel 9



Thanks for the feedback! We already work on DDD using Laravel framework sequel. As always it will include practical examples and use cases.

HiBit community member since December 2020