
DIY - Universal RC Joystick

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  • 23 mins read
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Controlling devices over a distance opens lots of possibilities. Our Arduino roadmap contains many projects that must be controlled remotely and sometimes on a long-distance. Of course, it can be done with a PC but our experience has shown that it becomes complicated when you need long way, portable and rapid communications. Our solution was designing a multi-functional remote controller, we have called it AirControl. Aware of the needs it will have 4 push buttons, 2 switch buttons, 2 potentiometers and two analog modules. Additionally, each analog joystick module has integrated push button.

Getting started with Arduino Mega

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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language and the Arduino Software (IDE).

Keeping time with DS1302: real-time clock on Arduino

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In the fascinating world of Arduino and microcontrollers, keeping time is key. You might need to build a digital clock, a timer, or something more complex like an automated plant watering system. That's where the DS1302 module steps in. It's a handy little device that can help you keep time accurately in your Arduino projects. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the DS1302 module, understand how it works, and explore its applications.

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Play Home Alone song with a piezo buzzer and Arduino

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  • 7 mins read
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Home Alone has since been considered one of the best Christmas films and Somewhere in My Memory has been nominated as best original song. We wanted to recreate the melody of the film's theme song with a piezo buzzer and share with you. Buzzer is used to generate sound, beep or even melody of a song. It can be found in alarm devices, computers, timers and confirmation of user input such as a mouse click or keystroke.

DIY - Universal RC Joystick: receiver

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  • 10 mins read
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Wireless communication implies having a transmitter, in our case the joystick, and a receiver. We must build a simple circuit with NRF24L01 wiring that will act as listener for our joystick. The NRF24L01 module strictly needs 3.3V but the logic pins are 5V tolerant. That why we recommend to use the NRF24L01 adapter which acts as regulator, keep the voltage stable, apply filtering and reduce noises.

Pressure and temperature measurement with GY-65

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Precision monitoring of atmospheric conditions becomes a reality with the GY-65 module based on BMP085 sensor. Armed with the ability to measure temperature, pressure, and altitude, the GY-65 module opens up a world of possibilities for weather stations, altitude tracking devices, and other projects requiring accurate environmental data. In this article, we delve into the capabilities of the module, examining its features, connectivity with Arduino.

DIY - Remote control car running on Arduino: mounting

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  • 8 mins read
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With the idea of making a remote-controlled car in mind, we began our investigation by disassembling the frame to uncover its internal components and understand how they work. By gaining a clear understanding of the car's original configuration, we were able to approach the modifications with greater confidence, knowing what changes were necessary and how they would integrate with the existing system.

DIY - Universal RC Joystick: controls

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  • 3 mins read
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Based on the solution of designing multi-functional remote controller and being aware of the needs we started building the joystick. It will have 4 push buttons, 2 switch buttons, 2 potentiometers and two analog modules. And, additional 2 push buttons integrated on the analog joystick module.

Pressure and temperature measurement with GY-68

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  • 6 mins read
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The GY-68 module, also known as the BMP180 module, is a popular sensor module used for measuring atmospheric pressure, temperature, and altitude. It features a highly precise digital barometric pressure sensor that can be easily integrated with an Arduino board. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of connecting the GY-68 module to an Arduino, enabling you to gather accurate environmental data for your projects. So, let's get started!

Getting started with Arduino Nano

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  • 5 mins read
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Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishing something online. You can tell your board what to do by sending a set of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do so you use the Arduino programming language and the Arduino Software (IDE).