
Complementary filter and relative orientation with MPU6050

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The MPU-60X0 is the world's first integrated 6-axis MotionTracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and a Digital Motion Processor (DMP) all in a small package. It helps to measure velocity, orientation, acceleration, displacement and other motion like features

The MPU-6050 features three 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for digitizing the gyroscope outputs and three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the accelerometer outputs. For precision tracking of both fast and slow motions, the parts feature a user-programmable gyroscope full-scale range and a user-programmable accelerometer full-scale range.

Reading MPU9250 sensors with Arduino

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MPU-9250 is one of the most advanced combined accelerometer, gyroscope and compass small size sensors currently available. It replaces the popular MPU-9150 lowering the power consumption, improving gyro noise and compass full scale range performance. It has many advanced features, including low pass filtering, motion detection and even a programmable specialized processor.

Getting real-time position using MPU9250

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MPU-9250 is one of the most advanced combined accelerometer, gyroscope and compass small size sensors currently available. It replaces the popular MPU-9150 lowering the power consumption, improving gyro noise and compass full scale range performance. It has many advanced features, including low pass filtering, motion detection and even a programmable specialized processor.

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How to use the NRF24L01 module with Arduino

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Having two or more Arduino boards be able to communicate with each other wirelessly over a distance opens lots of possibilities like remotely monitoring sensor data, controlling robots, home automation and the list goes on. A good, reliable and inexpensive solution is NRF24L01.

The NRF24L01+ is a newer version of the NRF24L01, capable of doing an extra 250kbps of on-air data rate while the one without “+” has only 1Mbps and 2Mbps. Both versions can be mixed together as long as 1 or 2 MBps is being used as the data rate.

Complementary filter and relative orientation with MPU9250

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  • 12 mins read
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MPU-9250 is one of the most advanced combined accelerometer, gyroscope and compass small size sensors currently available. It replaces the popular MPU-9150 lowering the power consumption, improving gyro noise and compass full scale range performance. It has many advanced features, including low pass filtering, motion detection and even a programmable specialized processor.

How to control mini water pump with Arduino

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The advent of Arduino microcontrollers has revolutionized the world of electronics and automation. With their user-friendly interface and vast array of modules and sensors, Arduino boards have become the go-to choice for hobbyists and professionals alike. In this article, we will explore the significance of a 5V water pump module, the importance of using transistors, and how to effectively connect the two to create an efficient water control system.

Reading MPU6050 sensors with Arduino

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  • 10 mins read
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The MPU-60X0 is the world's first integrated 6-axis MotionTracking device that combines a 3-axis gyroscope, 3-axis accelerometer and a Digital Motion Processor (DMP) all in a small package. It helps to measure velocity, orientation, acceleration, displacement and other motion like features

The MPU-6050 features three 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for digitizing the gyroscope outputs and three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the accelerometer outputs. For precision tracking of both fast and slow motions, the parts feature a user-programmable gyroscope full-scale range and a user-programmable accelerometer full-scale range.

How to use potentiometer with Arduino

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A potentiometer is a simple knob that provides a variable resistance, which we can read into the Arduino board as an analog value. They can be attuned from zero ohms to whatever maximum resistance that is specific to it. For example, a potentiometer of 10 kΩ can be adjusted from 0 Ω to its maximum of 10 kΩ.

Keeping time with DS1302: real-time clock on Arduino

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In the fascinating world of Arduino and microcontrollers, keeping time is key. You might need to build a digital clock, a timer, or something more complex like an automated plant watering system. That's where the DS1302 module steps in. It's a handy little device that can help you keep time accurately in your Arduino projects. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the DS1302 module, understand how it works, and explore its applications.

Using push buttons with Arduino

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Today we are going to speak about push buttons, the wiring and how to implement the code for this circuit elements in Arduino. Push buttons connect two points in a circuit when you press them. That means that logic state of the circuit change when you press and keep pressed the button.